ISO Workshop 4.3 Portable
ISO Workshop 4.3 Portable
NFC standards cover communications protocols and data exchange formats and are based on existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards including ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa.[6] The standards include ISO/IEC 18092[7] and those defined by the NFC Forum. In addition to the NFC Forum, the GSMA group defined a platform for the deployment of GSMA NFC Standards[8] within mobile handsets. GSMA's efforts include Trusted Services Manager,[9][10] Single Wire Protocol, testing/certification and secure element.[11] NFC-enabled portable devices can be provided with application software, for example to read electronic tags or make payments when connected to an NFC-compliant system. These are standardized to NFC protocols, replacing proprietary technologies used by earlier systems.
The workshop opened with presentations that defined and described powered airpurifying respirators (PAPRs) and the current regulatory landscape influencingPAPR design and use. In general, PAPRs can be described as respirators thatprotect the user by filtering out contaminants in the air and use abattery-operated blower to provide the user with clean air through atight-fitting respirator, a loose-fitting hood, or a helmet. Use oftight-fitting PAPRs (see Figure 2-1)requires fit testing; use of loose-fitting PAPRs (see Figure 2-2) does not require fit testing.1
The discussion among the workshop participants focused on four major issues:(1) acceptable protection levels and how these levels should be determinedfor health care workers, (2) performance criteria and the determination ofthe protection factors of PAPRs, (3) the extent to which ISO standards canbe incorporated into U.S. regulatory standards, and (4) the specific needsfor health care PAPRs and health care workers using PAPRs.
Applicable standardsAutomotive lifts, portable automotive lifting devices, and vehicle supports must meet the requirements of section 12.74 of the Regulation. For equipment manufactured prior to the year of the standards listed, section 4.4(1) of the Regulation states that equipment must meet the requirements of the edition of the standard published at the time the equipment was manufactured.
One or more of the following standards apply to automotive lifts and other portable automotive lifting devices, depending on the make, model, and year of the equipment. The standards are published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Automotive Lift Institute (ALI), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Operation, inspection, repair, maintenance and modification of an automotive lift, portable automotive lifting device, or other vehicle support must be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions or the written instructions of a professional engineer.
Section 12.76 as an alternative to section 12.74(2)An owner, employer, or other person is expected to comply with section 12.74(2) of the Regulation (Standards) with regard to the operation, inspection, and maintenance of all automotive lifts and vehicle supports. However, an owner, employer, or other person may refer to section 12.76 of the Regulation (Operation) for the operation, inspection, repair, maintenance or modification of an automotive lift, portable automotive lifting device, or vehicle support in the following circumstances:
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The following exceptions apply: machinery in which an emergency stop device would not lessen the risk, either because it would